Thank you for discovering Inclusive Leadership for our Global Village Online Education.

Here is your thank you gift: A small, beautiful and wise E-booklet

Inclusion is a Door

Inclusion is a door to new ways of living, learning and leading in your diverse community. Opening this door will lead to so many discoveries about the incredible potential we each have to become more globally aware and more locally skillful at forging inclusive solutions based on respect for the magnificence of social diversity and biodiversity.  

"Every individual, family, organization, and community has a vital role to play.  The arts, sciences, religions, educational institutions, media, businesses, nongovernmental organizations, and governments are all called to offer creative leadership." (Earth Charter)

We are delighted you have discovered Inclusive Leadership Online Education. Our thank you gift to you is this small, beautiful wise E-Booklet: Inclusion is a Door 

A few quotes about Inclusive Leadership

"Welcome to an experiential education quest  based on over twenty years of Participatory Action Research into what works to bring diverse people together to be the changes we want to see in the world." (Linda Hill, Canada)

"Inclusive Leadership is eye opening to my role as a bridge-builder in my community. ...To build bridges I need people; you, my family, my co-workers and the friendliness and support of Mother earth and all the living things that I share space with.”  (Temo Sasau, Fiji)

"A discovery of new ideas about leadership... we developed our ability to stay aware of our emotions and manage our behavior, social awareness and relationship management skills....within a wonderful learning process with practical information and questions, meditation, and journaling." (Paul Atsu, Ghana)

"In these times of turbulence, inclusion is a door we can open to support each other and live better lives... The outcomes are long term relationships, sustainability, trust, communication and love. " (Claudia Sánchez, Colombia)

"Many individuals and organizations hold the values of acceptance and inclusion, but have not really looked at the skills involved in being inclusive so exploring Inclusive Leadership is great pro-action." (LIndsay, Beal, Canada).

"My goal, in discovering my Inclusive Leadership Potential is forming a bond to heal the world of hate, discrimination and violence through love, kindness and affection. " (Chuks Okoriekwe, Nigeria)

"My family and I discovered the realization that we are global citizens with much to offer this world-wide Inclusion Movement." Janice Maxwell, Canada)

“How about if each and every person in areas such as Uganda undertook a basic course in understanding inclusiveness? Would learning about inclusion help with building the bridges between different people with different identities? Would we learn not to be harsh while connecting with different people? Would this lead to a society where everyone is welcomed?”  (Joanita Babirye, Uganda)

"I have found that it is through all the skills learned during this online Inclusive Leadership course combined with other valuable lessons life throws at us that we can manifest the qualities of being Inclusive Leaders. We can all take to heart the realization that change begins with us and that we must first endeavour to become the changes we want to see in the world. If we can all embrace these lessons, then half the work we want to achieve will be completed." (Obinna Echendu, Nigeria)

About the instructor

Inclusive Leadership Co-operative

The Inclusive Leadership Co-operative (ILC) is a non-profit community service association based on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada that provides community-based diversity education for people from diverse generations, cultures and communities. We prepare participants to live, learn and lead more inclusively by embracing the diversity in all living beings as gifts that enrich the world. Click here to take a look at our ILC website.We guide new and experienced Inclusive Leaders to share leadership in educating each other about our interconnected diversity challenges while nurturing and mentoring Inclusive Leadership skills for:Building Bridges of equalityConnecting With DifferencesCommunicating With CompassionStanding up for inclusion with Anti-Discrimination First Aid.The outcome of practicing Inclusive Leadership is contributing actively to safety, respect, justice, and peace in your diverse community."This is the best experience I've got in Canada. It's should join the Inclusive Leadership Program!" (Mohammad Binaz, International Student from India)The ILC's Inclusive Leadership Online courses and practice groups are deeply rooted in fifteen years of experiential Inclusive Leadership education with several thousand professionals, students, volunteers and other leaders from Vancouver Island, other parts of BC, Canada and the world. The ILC is adapting our renowned experiential education workshops and weekend retreats into a series of interactive, online courses enhanced by live video gatherings. Inclusive Leadership for our Global Village is quickly becoming a lively, vibrant mutual mentoring hub for authentic Inclusive Leaders who are connecting across time, space and diversity with other caring and courageous Inclusive Leaders around the world."Kudos on making your work internationally accessible.  So pleased this interesting and necessary initiative is combining social and environmental. Long overdue. Love that you have integrated a comprehensive inclusive approach to everything including registration fees. Your values shine through it all."  (Vickie Cammack and Al Etmanski, Social Innovations that Spread from the Margins to the Mainstream)

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Inclusion is a Door E-Booklet: Table of Contents

    • We are delighted you have discovered Inclusive Leadership Online Education

    • How to Download Your E-Booklet

    • Inclusion is a Door: A small, beautiful and wise E-Booklet

    • The Next Step Is Follow Up