About the Inclusive Leadership Heart to Heart Cafe

Connect across time, space and diversity with Inclusive Leaders from around the world by zoom video-conferencing. Experience and contribute to compassionate conversations filled with listening with empathy. You will be warmly welcomed by hosts such as Harriet Greenwood in North Yorkshire, England; Janice Milnerwood in Quebec, Canada; Linda Hill, in BC, Canada. You will experience open hearts and mutual mentoring. You will leave with strength, warm hearts, joy, and encouragement.


First Saturday of each month 10:00 to 11:30 am Pacific Time. 

We will start the video conference at 9:45 am with a technical check for anyone who needs it.

Click on this Time Zone Converter to convert 10:00 am Pacific Time to your local time zone.


How to join in:

The Heart to Heart Cafe is a drop in opportunity for new and experienced Inclusive Leaders. 

Email [email protected] to be added to the invitation list.

Current and past Inclusive Leadership Online participants will receive a monthly reminder email with the url address for this zoom video conference. 

Then on the first Saturday of any month, Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android. 

You need a computer with access to a fast enough internet connection, a camera and microphone. Past participants have found that wearing a headset with a microphone is helpful for clarity. You can also join by telephone.

For more information and to let us know you plan to attend: Email [email protected]


The main goals of the Inclusive Leadership Online Cafe are:

  • To connect with new and experienced Inclusive Leaders from around the world.
  • To experience the power of sharing with people who are intentionally practicing Inclusive Leadership in our diverse communities.
  • To listen with empathy and compassion.
  • To inspire and support each other to cultivate and practice Compassionate Communication and other Inclusive Leadership skills.

Heart to Heart Cafe Guidelines

Here are our four guidelines for cultivating an inclusive and welcoming culture in our Inclusive Leadership Online Cafe:

  1. To be fully present with each other by listening with attention, intention and balance.
  2. To help each other experience safety, respect, freedom of choice and fun.
  3. To put thoughtful effort into understanding and practicing compassionate communication skills.
  4. To help each other connect with what we are learning and practicing together by sharing stories and examples from our own lives.


Times listed are Pacific Time.

9:45 am to 10:00 am: Networking and Tech-Check.

  • You will be warmly welcomed by your hosts - Harriet Greenwood in North Yorkshire, England and Janice Milnerwood in Quebec, Canada.
  • There will be lots of time for meeting, greeting while doing an online technology check to optimize everyone's access and ease.
  • If you are a regular Zoom user and are confident you can get started without assistance feel free to join us just before 10:00 am.

10:00 am to 11:10 am: Gathering and Sharing.

  • 2-3 minutes: Gather our thoughts through a guided meditation.
  • 15 minutes: Gather together through a light check-in activity
  • 50 minutes: You will join with a small group of 4 to 8 people to share from your hearts and experience compassionate, empathic reflection. All of us will intentionally listen with compassion and empathy.

11:10 am to 11:30 am: Reflecting and planning.

  • 15 minutes: Check out circle - share something you learned and something you will take away with you to try.
  • 5 minutes: Bring the Inclusive Leadership Online Cafe to a close.

"This cafe has a very strong impact and offers more strength to all of us. It is heart warming and joyful when we unite and stand for a greater cause. Let's keep doing our best for Mother Earth." (Joshua Amponsem, Executive Director, Green Africa Youth Organization).

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Orientation to Our Online Inclusive Leadership Cafe

    • Welcome to Our Inclusive Leadership Online Cafe

    • Online Cafe Goals, Guidelines and Agenda

    • Instructions for Meeting on Zoom

About the instructor

Heart to Heart Cafe Facilitator

Harriet Greenwood

Harriet is hosting the Inclusive Leadership Heart to Heart Online Cafe on behalf of the Inclusive Leadership Co-operative (ILC) is a non-profit community service association that provides community-based diversity education for people from diverse generations, cultures and communities. We prepare participants to live, learn and lead by embracing the diversity in all living beings as gifts that enrich the world. We guide new and experienced Inclusive Leaders to share leadership in educating each other about our interconnected diversity challenges while nurturing and mentoring Inclusive Leadership skills for: building bridges of equality, connecting with differences, communicating with compassion, standing up for inclusion with Anti-Discrimination First Aid. The outcome of practicing Inclusive Leadership is contributing actively to safety, respect, access and joy in your diverse community.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Orientation to Our Online Inclusive Leadership Cafe

    • Welcome to Our Inclusive Leadership Online Cafe

    • Online Cafe Goals, Guidelines and Agenda

    • Instructions for Meeting on Zoom